Monday, May 3, 2010

vampires vs. werewolves

Last week in class a discussion was brought up about vampires, and their sex appeal. I thought to myself that vampires were not sexy at all. The just happen to be young because they feed on young blood. If a vampire were to not feed for awhile, then they might get a little old. Case in point, look at "Dracula." He became young when he fed on the blood of Johnathan Harker. On the contrary, a werewolf is quite a better beast for sex appeal. He does not have to stay out all night drinking blood. The only time he goes out at night is when there is a full moon. So, we already have a better person for sex appeal because he never has to worry about trying to stay young.
Another thing about last week was about vampire stories. I think I might bring in my vampire story, just to see if anyone likes it. I remember doing it for the "Writers on Writing" class, the week Dodie Bellamy was coming. The story was just a secret attack on her work because I wanted a little more blood sucking, and a little less cock sucking.

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