Monday, May 3, 2010

Letter to God

Dear God,
I have been troubled by something. I am in the stage in my life known as "Senioritis." This means that I do not know what to do with the rest of my life. I do want to do acting, but I missed that opportunity to audition because of my studies. My parents want me to gain some real world experience. This seems a polite way of saying that I must get my fat ass out of the house, and go to work. They seem to push the whole Episcopal church idea, along with Americorps. I decided to apply for Americorps, and now I am in their system. The next step is to apply for one of their listings. I'll get my mother's help for that.
Another thing bothering me is the finals for two of my classes. They require me to write at least fifteen pages of "textbook" material. Essentially I will be writing chapters, or theological studies of specific subjects. The thing that does scare me is trying to find my voice in all of the requirements. The best thing I can hope for is to do my best, and pray that there will be no filler.
In your son Jesus' Name, Amen.

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