Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My last entry for this class

Wow, I can't believe I am at the last entry for this class. The time sure has flown by. I remember when this was just a blogging assignment for another class, and I decided to continue with it for this class. I am so glad I did. With each entry I put in, my thoughts became more organized, and I got a better reflection on how to deal with my problems. I even used it to get ideas for different stories to tell. The most prominent one is the idea for a epic poem where an evil dictator rules over a land inhabited by demigods. Everyone around me thought the style was similar to James Cameron's Avatar. I kind of agree with them. This is especially seen in the earliest blogs. My goal for those was to get an overall story arc within the six entries that were required. I feel that I didn't quite get there, but I had a good start. I discontinued with those entries because I became involved with telling of my everyday living, as well as reflect on the readings for the week.
The readings were a great thing to have because of how much I learned in how to do a journal. I wish we had read entries out of Anne Frank's diary. I have seen the play, but it just would be nice to read what she had going on in her daily life. The best readings were Franz Kafka and John Steinbeck. These styles seemed more relaxed than others.
My goal now is to continue telling of what happened to me, as well as getting the stories I have in my head onto the computer screen. Something that has happened to me was preparing my finals for other classes, and finding a lot of good material to expand on. The best is a story about a night hike from hell, complete with blood and guts. The story is called Natural Scares Inc., and it is going to rock.

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