Monday, February 28, 2011

Attacks again

I have been having these attacks again. They seem to happen at high times of stress. I feel them especially when I have not gotten enough sleep. Sleep seem to be a good cure. But even after a good nap, I sometimes get these same attacks. I still have no idea what they might be.
Also, I have recently finished rereading both of Homer's epics The Iliad & The Odyssey. Both were a challenge to get through, especially The Iliad. But after completing these epics, I can safely say that I might rethink creating a epic poem for today's audiences. I don't seem to have the writing skills, or the time. I wish that I did have the time, but I want to find a job that pays better than my current one at "Restaurants on the Run." Job hunting is tough because of all the forms you have to fill out. I hate giving out the same information to different people. It's just annoying. The other part of finding a job is the cover letter. This is the part I don't mind because I get to write about myself rather than fill in the blank.

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