Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A New Year, same old problems

Well for anyone out there who is interested in what's going on in my life these days, I am pretty much doing the same as last year. The only difference is that I have a job. I did have two jobs, but one was just as an extra hand durring the holiday season. The one steady job I do have is a delivery driver for Restaurants on the Run. It's okay for right now. But I hope to get something better soon.
Also, I am halfway into my Presidency with my club of San Mateo Lions. they are a good group, but on a day to day basis, I feel a lot of outside pressure to do more for my club. Like right now, I am under pressure to put on a movie night at the local Boys And Girls club of San Mateo. I know I have a co-chair who is my dad, but I seem to be doing all of the work. It's just about killing me. I just hope that everything will go smoothly on Friday.

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