Monday, February 8, 2010

Dreams analyst

In looking at the readings for this week, I found myself thinking how odd daily life can be. And then I remembered that these were dreams written down by authors over a long period of time. Dreams are after all, just a reflection of what you are going on about in your daily lives. But they do have something interesting to them. The dreams can take on different forms of how things go on about your day. The are even seen sometimes as warnings to some people. I know in my dreams they can be premonitions of things to come. The only thing to do about this is to make sure the thing does not happen.
But getting back to the readings, I found the readings to be bizarrely wonderful so far. I find that I am able to visualise what sort of dream this person is having because the author writes the dream in a fiction sort of way, and not in a chronological order of events. As for the other reading of diary writing, I found it to be a mundane piece that has no relevance to this course. So writers keep diaries secret, big whoop. I think they choose to keep certain writings private because they think the writing is shit. I know that these blogs are. But I am allowing this to be workshopped because this is important to someone who would like to read it someday.

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