Friday, November 19, 2010

Anger Issues with my father

I had a huge bout of seizure like spells today. I'm not sure what causes these. Mom thinks they might be anger related to being yelled at by Dad. He treats me like a kid sometimes, and that makes me mad. But instead of yelling back at him, I just hold it all in, and that is what might be the cause of all the seizure like simptoms. The first time I had these, I did not think I was mad, just a little homesick.

I do seem to hold in a lot of my feelings most of the time. I guess I just want to avoid confrontation because of all the yelling. Yelling to me brings out a lot of bad feelings and just brings people down, especially me. I guess I just want to feel happy instead of sad because I feel better. I think the whole world would be a lot better without sadness because everyone can get along.

My brother-in-law Mike says that the "Borlands" do not really talk; they just assume what everyone else is up to. I guess that he is right because the Borlands don't talk, we just assume everything is okay with everybody, and it would be okay to come to things uninvited. There is no plan of action, only last minute warnings. I think that is so true. I know that sometimes with Dad, he doesn't talk with me about certain ideas that he wants to get done. He only explains to me at the last minute, and I hate that. I will try and talk with him tonight. Maybe that will ease up the tension between us, and I can feel better.

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