Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break Report (halfway point)

Well, I have been having so much fun on my spring break, that I have almost done none of my homework. I started out by taking my car into the Daily City BART station because I was low on my BART ticket, and wanted to drive after class. So after my final class, I left to go home taking Skyline because it was a gorgeous day. I had the windows rolled down, music blaring out of my stereo, and felling really relaxed of the days ahead. I only touched I-280 briefly before going back on surface streets heading home.
The next day was all about working on a project for one of my classes. The project is to create a poem with a box that looks like it. I decided to work on a memory from my summers as a kid. So I took a few pictures of Water Dog Lake, in Belmont, and the area surrounding it because of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center being there. I went to their summer programs to have fun in the Sun.
The next part of my project took me to a place I have not been to in a long time, Memorial Park. Here was the critical part of who I became as a performer. I knew of a way of getting into the park without having to pay for admission. I simply took a turn at Wure Road, and parked at a lot close by another park. Then it was all a matter of hiking to the Homestead campgrounds. I did stop along the way at the watering hole where the creek becomes damed up for swimming. It was here that I remember jumping into the freezing cold water to earn points for prizes at the end of the campout. I did find my way to Homestead, and I knew it the minute I saw it. The whole place looked like it had not been touched in ages. Everything was there that I could remember. There was an open area designated for "Capture The Flag," a section to sleep, tables for cooking/ eating, and a campfire area where the talent shows were held. I, of course, refined my performance skills there. Somehow or another, I became the emcee, performing each title of each act. It was so great seeing everything. I became inspired to write about this for my works.
Sunday was uneventful because I just was doing everyday things. But Monday I decided to go to see the Winchester Mystery House. I had not been there since I was a little boy. The whole time I was there, as a child, I thought I was going to be scared because there was some haunted house thing going on next door. Now as an adult, I apreciated all of the odd things that the house had to offer, such as short rising stairs, doors opening to nowhere, and stairs climing to celings or deadends. Another part that was fun was counting all the stairs as they were climbed. I did this to be sure that what the tour guide's numbers were correct. All in all, I say that I've had a great spring break so far.

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